NTU Office Tools Training: A Gateway to the Technological…
In 1990, Microsoft released its very first office suite, a collection of bundled productivity software intended to be used by office and knowledge workers. From then on, Microsoft and other competing development companies advanced, expanded and innovated the initial applications in conjunction with the accelerating technological change. Sadly, 27 years since the introduction of the first office suite, there still exist quite a number of people without access to these essential tools required to be competent in the majority of industries today. The unwieldy truth is that bright and talented yet poverty-stricken individuals grow up unaccustomed to the applications that would have given them promising careers in multiple modernized fields.

NTU Foundation, with its experience in BPO modernization, has decided to share its experience and competence in office suites to the demograph that would efficiently make use of such technologies in the future: the kids. Thus, the NTUF Office Tools Training Project was launched for the children of Happy Hollow Elementary School, Apugan Spring Hills Elementary School, and Loakan Elementary School.

Noble Trends Unbound Foundation has already been mitigating the hunger of the stomach through the NTUF Hope Kitchen. Starting July 15, 2017, the Foundation begun catering to the hunger of the skills through the NTUF Office Tools Training. Competency on basic software such as Word, Powerpoint, or Excel are now a necessity but unfortunately, is still unavailable to a lot of children. Filling this gap, NTU Foundation is now offering fundamentals training for office tools for the aforementioned applications.

Volunteers from the NTU Call and Service Center’s Management Information System Department began the free training with a crash course in Microsoft Powerpoint. NTU IT personnel share their expertise on the technical side of the software while NTU Quality Advisers share their genius in the analytical side. The workshop was conducted in an upbeat environment with tons of icebreakers and other vibrant activities in order to appeal to the attention of today’s youth.
Workshop will continue for the succeeding weeks and would tackle more essential software within and beyond the Microsoft Office Suite.